Christian Robitaille holds a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Ottawa (2021). He also obtained an M.A. in economics from the University of Toronto (2015) and a B.Sc. in mathematics and economics from the University of Montreal (2014). He is currently a Senior Lecturer in sociology at Liverpool Hope University. He teaches contemporary key thinkers, quantitative methods, and the question of rationality in the social sciences. Previously, he taught social statistics, research methods, the sociology of family, and the life course approach at the University of Ottawa. He also taught sociology, mathematics, and economics at various colleges in Montreal and Ottawa. His research interests are related to the links between action and motivations to act (beliefs, reasons, passions, etc.) He is studying this topic using a multidisciplinary perspective. He also investigates this theme both from a theoretical point of view and from an historical and empirical point of view. In particular, his interests include: the sociology of action and beliefs, epistemology, economic sociology, the Austrian School of Economics, the scope and limits of quantitative methods, and the history of ideas in the social sciences.
Academic profiles:
Liverpool Hope profile
Google scholar